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Family Tree Kids Activity

Kids are fascinated with their own family history and genealogy. In this activity, you can help your kids create their own family tree by teaching them about the basics of genealogy. With this activity, you'll learn about places where your ancestors lived and worked, how many children they had and what their names were. You'll also be able to share stories with them about these people in your life's history

Family Tree Kids activity

  • Draw a family tree on a large piece of paper.

  • Ask your child to draw the family members and their relationships, using simple shapes for the people and arrows for relationships. The kids can add details about where they lived, what their job was, how many kids they had, and what their names were.

Create a family tree on a large piece of paper

  • Create a family tree on a large piece of paper

  • Draw a tree shape and include the following information:

  • Family members in the correct order (including parents, grandparents and great-grandparents)

  • The name of each person and their job at that time (e.g., farmer or doctor)

  • A brief description of where they lived or where they came from (e.g., Australia, Switzerland)

Where did they live

  • Where did they live?

  • What was the climate like?

  • What did they eat?

What was their job

  • What was their job?

  • Did they work in the fields, or did they work in a factory?

  • Did they work as a doctor or lawyer? If not, what other jobs are there?

How many kids did they have

If you have kids, how many are there and what are their names? If not, do you have any siblings or cousins who do?

It’s important to remember that this is a family tree. So if your great grandmother has 6 kids, and one of them has 5 kids of their own, then five more “branches” will be added to the tree.

What were there names

You'll want to start with the basics: who, what, where and when. List your ancestors' names and ages. Were they born in a different place than where they lived? Where were they buried?

Your family tree is a living thing that grows as you add new information to it. As you learn more about each individual on your tree, consider adding more information about their lives. Maybe one ancestor was an inventor, another was an explorer or even a politician! Add that information too.

Family History

Family history is a great way to learn about your ancestors and family. It's also a great way to preserve memories. You can create your own Family Tree Activity by starting with an outline or list of the information you want to include in it. The activity works best if you have a lot of information on at least two generations of both sides of your family, but even just one generation will work fine as long as there's some information on both sides.

Family trees are fun because they're like puzzles. They are a great learning tool for kids who need help organizing information and keeping track of details! After all, this is how adults organize their lives - with calendars, planners and lists!


We hope this article has given you some ideas on how to create a family tree for your kids. It can be a fun activity for both parents and children, and it’s also a great way to spend time together as a family unit. If you want more information about how to make your own family tree, check out our other articles on this topic!

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