The CubbyTime is not just a cute toy! There are so many benefits kids receive when playing in a cubby house or play house. Here are our top five:
1. Develop Self Confidence – inside their cubby house, the child can be and do whatever they want. They’re in charge and they build a connection with that space, making it their own. It becomes a safe place and one they love to be in!
2. Understand Social Norms – our society is full of rules. How we talk with others, sharing our belongings, turn taking and even the words we can use with different people are incredibly complicated. They’re something we learn over time and this is what children practise in their cubby houses.
3. Develop Problem Solving Skills – which toy is going to be sick? Where will the vacuum cleaner go? What game will we play today? These are all examples of the decisions kids need to make when playing inside a cubby home. Pretend play helps build their cognitive skills, preparing them for more complex decision making as they get older.
4. Increased Language Development – one of the ways children learn is by imitating and role playing. Often, you’ll find kids using their play house as if it was a real home. They pretend to be Mum or Dad, repeating sentences or instructions to their toys or friends they have heard us say before. Through this imitation, they begin to build an understanding of what different vocabulary means, developing their language skills.
5. Happy Memories – memories are important to all of us. We want our kids to look back on their childhood with fondness and have plenty of happy memories!